The main purpose of PPM Basic is to insert parametric 2D and 3D objects in an AutoCAD drawing. These objects are described in a PPM file, which can be easily created and edited in any text editor. PPM language provides the means to create various annotations, complex dimensions and any other 2D objects.

Supported 3D functions help create different 3D objects and blocks from 3D primitives: from as boxes, spheres and cylinders to a completely parametric house.

All of these objects can have parameters and parameter points, which provides an easy way to modify them.
Plugin has three simple commands to work with parametric objects.

Insert PPM command is used to choose the PPM file that contains description of the parametric object. To use it, select any PPM file and pick a point in the drawing.
Note: Location of sample PPM files is %USERPROFILE%\ AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\CADDivision PPM Basic.bundle\Contents\Resources\Sample Files

Reset PPM is used to remove all PPM objects created from the same PPM file. Launch the command from the ribbon, toolbar or menu and select any PPM object in the drawing.

Remove PPM is used to remove all PPM objects created from the same PPM file. Launch the command from the ribbon, toolbar or menu and select any PPM object in the drawing.
Note: To remove only one instance of PPM object use the standard AutoCAD ERASE command.
Supported AutoCAD Commands
PPM parametric objects can be edited using standard AutoCAD commands.
Use Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete commands from the Edit menu to create another copy of a PPM object or remove it.
To manipulate a PPM object use standard commands Copy, Mirror, Scale, Move, Rotate and a group of Array commands from Modify group.

If you want to modify all nested parts of a PPM object - use EXPLODE command to explode the PPM object to AutoCAD primitives.
Undo and Redo commands are also supported.
PPM object can have different parameters that can be used to modify its geometry and behavior. For example, if tank length of a vessel is changed, the distance between its saddles will change accordingly. Properties of a PPM object can be edited using the standard AutoCAD property palette.

Parameter Points
In addition to Parameters, a PPM object can have parameter points that provide an interactive way to change object geometry.

PPM Basic requires AutoCAD 2012 or later (32 and 64 bit) installed on your PC.